Friday, October 18, 2013

KOC Power Bot - (New, Official Release)

KOC Power Bot - (New, Official Release)


Script Summary: Automated features for Kingdoms of Camelot. This is an official release by members of the official KoC Power Bot team who have decided to continue development of the project.

 By KoC Scripters Last update Jul 1, 2013 — Installed 806,738 times.


KOC Power Tools - Official KoC Scripters Edition

Our version of the KOC Power tools can be found here:


Creative Commons License
KOC Power Bot - Fork of the official version. by Koc Scripters is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at

Who are the "KoC Scripters"?

KoC Power Bot is actively developed by a team of programmers via the KoC Power Bot Google Code open-source project. This "KoC Scripters" account is a shared account designed for the purpose of publicly publishing any new updates to KoC Power Tools and KoC Power Bot. A number of us programmers share access to this account, so the updates found here are not limited to just one person.

Automated features for Kingdoms of Camelot on Facebook.

Power BOT is intended to be used with KOC Power TOOLS (KoC Scripters Team Edition) and is a collaborative effort between a number of community members.

Bug reports should be made on our development site at googlecode, where issues can be tracked. We will not respond to bug reports here at userscripts!

If you are new to using Grease Monkey scripts, please see the 'How do I use this?' link below the Green install button at the top.


Search tab: Does a live search for wildernesses or barbarian camps, and allows you to export the results of a barbarian search to KOCattack!

Tower tab: Quickly change defend mode of all cities. When an incoming attack is detected, send SMS text message to your phone and/or post incoming attack information to alliance chat. Play sound alert when an attack is incoming.

Build tab: Queue up buildings to be built automatically!

Raid tab : Automatically resets your raid timers.

Transport tab : Set up trade routes between cities to automatically send resources.

Reassign tab : Set up troop reassignment rules between cities so certain troops automatically get moved to another city.

Reinforce tab : Easily send reinforcements to another city.

Search tab: Search the map for nearby barb camps, wildernesses, or cities.

Gifts tab: Easily accept facebook KofC gifts.

More information is available at our WIKI

Other Translations

German version
Italian version

Version History

  • Add AFK detection
  • Add whisper log
  • Update Farm tab
  • Throne tab update
  • Email alert for tower tab
  • Color code cities
  • Build tab update
  • Delete reinforce tab
  • *NEW* Ore resource alert
  • Update updater code
  • X-Ray vision
  • integration
  • New try at chat filter
  • Max might for auto scout in search tab
  • Gift tab update
  • Variable map search delay
  • Farm tab switch to new march function
  • Update throne tab for candelabrum
  • Throne tab upgrade function improved
  • Tower tab update to recognize recalled marches (Subject to correct notification from kabam)
  • Send alert to email
  • Switchable toggle buttons
  • AutoDF algorithm update
  • Chat tab new commands (Disabled by default)
  • Calterfunc update
  • Check report for dropped items
  • Inventory tab update
  • Fix for new kabam game url
  • Fix kabam widescreen
  • Fix auto cancelling facebook post
  • Add headquarters function from multilang
  • Fix farm tab recursive error
  • Throne tab adds (Caps and Presets)
  • Add options to salvage TR tab
  • Fix news tab holding up refreshes
  • Fix crafting tab
  • Auto train update for Fey and Briton cities
  • Reassign tab update for Fey and Briton cities
  • Crest tab fixes
  • Population tab update for different troops
  • Black screen fix on startup
  • Updated to accomodate new @grant for Greasemonkey 1.0+
  • Fix constant refresh issue
  • Changed map search delay
  • Add option to disable chat filter fix
  • Changed TR upgrader min aetherstone to upgrade/enhance
  • News tab add last modified string to alert box
  • Removed unnecessary code
  • Auto train tab update for Fey city
  • Removed gift tab
  • Disable koc's script checker
  • Add scripter tab
  • Add breaking news tab
  • Updated throne tab
  • Updated tower tab
  • Quick add for build tab
  • Error checking for search tab
  • Transport tab update for ascension and throne room
  • Update craft tab
  • Export tab
  • Auto train tab update for ascension
  • Inventory tab
  • Startup tab
  • Crest tab fix (or tried to)
  • Added throne tab
  • Added crest interval
  • Added send me away from kabam
  • Added autoFarm
  • Added autoDF min/max knight combat selector
  • Added Language tab
  • Fixed auto salvage to continue looping
  • Changed UI
  • More options to auto salvage
  • Updated crest tab to enable multiple attacks from different cities
  • Fixed transport tab error
  • Added tool to salvage throne items
  • Fixed tower alert
  • Fixed widescreen
  • Add autocraft tab
  • Add research, knight, guardian info to combat tab
  • Rework combat tab priority system
  • Rework combat tab rounds system
  • Add research levels to tower alert
  • Removed switch to city for build help
  • Fixed rally point info for level 12
  • Reworked auto crest tab
  • Fixed to work with kabam standalone site
  • Fixed to work with 8th city
  • Added update now button
  • Fixed gifts tab "parse error page 1" and "no gifts found"
  • Added combat tab (Formula still needs improvement)
  • Fixed auto delete raid reports not working
  • Fixed gifts tab "Parse page 1 error"
  • Fixed show transport routes aetherstone not showing
  • Fixed update script source not saving
  • Added aetherstone to auto transport
  • Added option to enable/disable auto updater
  • Added option to check google code for beta updates
  • Fixed gifts tab
  • Added Auto DF tab (credits to Phil Cazz for original build)
  • Added auto updater check into script
  • Fixed gifts tab
  • Auto delete wild reports now deletes DF reports
  • Fixed autotrain speedup not working
  • Fixed scroll bar appearing at the bottom
  • Added autotrain speedup
  • Fixed auto publish
  • Added search for Dark Forest
  • Fixes for Firefox 7
  • Added auto blacklist function for chat tab (Powerbot won't reply or process chat from blacklisted people)
  • Added Viaero provider for US
  • Fixed transport tab not working
  • Fixed resource tab and gifts tab not scrolling
  • Changed use workers percentage to use total population percentage instead of idle population percentage
  • Fixed minimum and maximum troops not working
  • Fixed raid report interval not saving
  • Fixed minimum troops not working
  • Fixed init error for auto train tab
  • Fixed build help not publishing to alliance chat
  • Enhancements to autotrain logic
  • Added more info to crest report
  • Added manual transport
  • Added all troops to Auto-Transport
  • Added a new lay-out to trade routes
  • Added a edit-button to trade routes
  • Added countdown timer until next refresh
  • Added troop lock to reassign
  • Moved alliance/domain above chat from tools to bot
  • Readded chat tab
  • Added cancel all button to builds tab
  • Fixed search tab showing own alliance as neutral
  • Fixed raid report checkbox not saving
  • Fixed "t.rslt" error on raid tab
  • Added crest report for auto cresting
  • Fixed widescreen for users still displaying ads
  • Added current troop count for reinforce tab
  • Fixed popup error showing [object][object] message
  • Added resource tab
  • Fixed widescreen
  • Added food gain report for raid tab
  • Added function for powerbot to switch to selected city when posting for build help
  • Added option for auto publish facebook post to not change default privacy setting
  • Fixed widescreen display for new facebook chat pane
  • Fixed Tower Alert
  • Fixed Crest being stuck on Abandon
  • Fixed some small crest stuff
  • Fixed Reset Raid Timer
  • Added Troop check for crest
  • Added Troop numbers to Export to Raid
  • Added Auto Reports delete (barb/transport/wilds) every 5min
  • Added AutoTrain options
  • Fixed some AutoTrain bugs
  • Added Reset All Options button
  • Fixed resources not being accounted for in autotrain
  • Fixed not training when city one not selected
  • Fixed bugs on delete of raids
  • Fixed raid status error's (hope so)
  • Added extra options for autotrain
  • Added Raid Tab (beta release)
  • Added export to raid from search tab
  • Added toggle city from search tab city selector
  • Added AutoTrain Tab
  • Fixed the transport bug with gold
  • Fixed refresh if KOC not loaded within 1 minute (changed to 30 seconds)
  • Added auto publish facebook posts
  • Added auto help build posts in alliance chat
  • Added auto hide build posts
  • Added map overlay function (KocAttack must be disabled for it to work)
  • Fixed issue with koc loading picture and facebook pop up not showing when widescreen is disabled
  • Added 3 options to widescreen - normal, wide, ultrawide
  • Added auto delete cresting reports
  • Fixed bug where reports don't get deleted
  • Changed wide screen width to 1520px from the previous 1220px
  • Added Phillipines cell provider Smart
  • Fixed scout list to wait 5 seconds for rally point to clear
  • Fixed raid tab to resend march when stopped
  • Fixed raid tab to calculate return time when march gets stuck at waiting for report
  • Two rows for tabs
  • Fixed gifts tab =D
  • Widescreen fix
  • Changed barb interval to 4 seconds cap from previous 10 seconds
  • Reverted barb timer
  • Public release for cresting tab
  • Added option to resume barbs after impending attack
  • Raid tab released
  • Added option to not select a knight for reinforcements
  • Changed spacing between tabs to fit powerbot into koc game screen
  • Fixed issue with bulk add barb coords to kocattack
  • Changed timer mechanism for auto barb
  • Fixed reassign tab to disregard marching troops in reassign mode
  • Changed minimum spam timer to once every 30 minutes
  • Added option to specify interval of attacking the same barb
  • Fixed auto barb delete from deleting wild attack reports
  • Fixed reassign tab getting stuck at coords 0,0
  • Added a confirm box to recover from adding coords 0,0 instead of erroring out.
  • Fix for autobarb killswitch
  • Fix for autospam having difficulty remembering settings
  • Decreased spacing between tabs so as to fit into the screen
  • Added toggle button for barbs beside bot tab
  • Added killswitch for barb when under attacked
  • Fixed coords and names for provinces
  • Fixed create scout list to show all types selected and not misted only
  • Added help for barb tab
  • Fix for reports getting deleted even if disabled
  • Sorting for highest/lowest level for barbs
  • Fixed sort of knight to use highest combat skill first
  • Fixed reassign city display button messing with reinforce tab's coord box
  • Fix for reassign function to calculate marching troops
  • Preparation of ajaxrequest for barb raids feature
  • Updated spam tab to make it less annoying
  • Attempted to fix issue with missing "Bot" tab that some users were reporting
  • Fixed barbing error in domains with new graphics
  • Added listing of barbs in options to delete 'bad barbs'
  • Fixed sorting of knights (Barber + reinforce)
  • Released updated version of 20110521b
  • Fixed bug with marches not sending out if rally point has no current marches
  • Revamped the timer mechanism
  • Added a min distance option
  • Changed auto delete timer to only delete every 2 minutes to reduce server load
  • Added rallypoint info on barb tab
  • More clarification on the changing numbers in barb tab
  • Changed barb overview message to include number of hours barbed, negative food gain and total food gain
  • Reverted some changes made in 20110521b that decreased performance
  • Added min distance to 'troop select'
  • Added option for users to set max search distance for barbs (capped at 75 spaces)
  • Fixed issue where auto barb gets stuck after a while
  • barb reports doesn't get deleted when not barbing from last city
  • Fixed auto delete reports deleting transports (now only delete transports that you sent)
  • Fixed issue where auto delete reports messes up kabam's servers
  • Fixed issue of audio alert not loading.(Click on default if sound file is not loading)
  • Fixed Barb troop option window size
  • Fixed Rallypoint clipping check
  • Fixed Alarm url
  • Fixed Transport error
  • Some cosmetic changes
  • Fixed Delete Messages toggle + function
  • Fixed sending of barb report
  • Fixed issues for non English players
  • Added max distance (NEEDS TO BE TESTED!)
  • Added method : Lowest level first
  • Merged auto-barb version of power bot with the previous version so that now it contains the new features from both (such as the search improvements)
  • Released the new experimental auto barb feature, as well as other new tabs.
  • Fix for gifts tab (Credits to TexasT again)
  • Fix for city search not displaying neutral
  • Added options for city search to display friendly, ally, unallianced, and neutral
  • Added search method square and radius
  • Added auto scout method for misted cities
  • Added reinforce tab
  • Fixed problem with rally point level not always being properly detected
  • Added more cell phone carriers (mobistar and 1und1)
  • Fixed even more widescreen issues (such as the horizontal scrollbar not working)
  • Fixed problems with widescreen not working anymore (jontey and Tom Chapin)
  • Finally fixed gifts acceptor(Credits to TexasT)
  • Added online status for city search
  • Added support for rally point in other languages
  • Fixes on transport timer
  • Fixed reassign not sending out troops
  • Fixes on transport
  • Added reassign tab
  • Added Food alert
  • Added toggle for defend status on tower alert
  • Used unixTime to handle transport and reassign interval
  • Added check on empty 'to' city on transport and reassign
  • Some cosmetic changes
  • Completed transport tab
  • Added spam tab
  • Added copy paste coords into coord box
  • Enlarged powerbot box to fit more tabs
  • Fixed issue with bulk adding troops to auto attack
  • Added auto updater include and more meta info.
  • Bug fixes for widescreen
  • Fixed widescreen not working after addition of guardians
  • Removed the new header from kabam
  • Added tower function (like in Toolkit) - maybe some bugs included
  • Added trader tab - none working tab
March 27, 2011 (20110303a):
  • Added smaller version (GIF) of chat background image
  • Embedded castle button and chat background images
  • Changed URL of SWF player
  • Fix widescreen for facebook changes on 3/24/2011
  • Fix rare lockup in city search when userinfo not available
  • fixed issue #291 (attack posted to chat even if option turned off)
  • fixed issue #309 (Chat Not FOrmatting correctly to right of game)
  • fixed issue #317 (no wide-screen)
  • SWF player for sound
March 13, 2011 (20110303a):
  • Add try/catch on anticd init, may help find 'bot not loading' problems.
  • Removed margin above 6waves ads at top of screen if widescreen mode is enabled.(Thanks to issue #275)
  • Added trim function for FF 3 browser (Thanks to mcd...@gmail report #276) - May fix Gift accept problems
  • fixed #234 removed autoupdate feature
  • fixed #254 Building ID does not match!!!!
  • fixed #215 Seed.buildings["city" + currentcityid]["pos" + citpos]
  • Tower tab refactored. Added options for playing sound files upon attack.
March 03, 2011 (20110303a):
  • Tower tab refactored. Added options for playing sound files upon attack.
  • Fixed issue #239 (lots of incoming attacks crashes/holds up internet connection).
  • Fixed showing defend mode if user changes it from KofC's interface.
  • Fixed window width overflow in search tab
  • City search re-written (fixed issues #219, #261 and unreported issues)
Feb 16, 2011 (20110216a):
  • NEW: modded SearchTab by masterjdu (deathbynumbers) e.g. citysearch implemented
  • fixed issue #187 (Seed.buildings["city" + currentcityid]["pos" + citpos])
  • fixed issue #185 (Queue item requeued)
  • fixed issue #183 (Export to KOC Attack: Incorrect troops if KOCA already had stored troops for location 0,0)
Feb 8, 2011 (20110208a):
  • NEW: Remember last tab used on refresh
  • NEW: Option to hide main window when user clicks on map coordinates. (issue #167)
  • fixed issue #52 (Widemap: Vertical line)
  • fixed issue #174 (Widemap: right side chopped off when zooming in and scrolling)
  • fixed issue #74 (Bot button disappears in FF 4)
  • fixed issue #124 and #169 (AutoBuild: using DI to build level 10+)
  • fixed issue #14 (AutoBuild: Ask for help shows Level 0 castle)
  • fixed issue #130 (AutoBuild: not building in select cities when resources low in other city )
  • fixed issue #137 (AutoBuild: Destruct not queueing)
  • fixed issue #172 (Gifts: Parse error in some non-English languages)
  • fixed number of embassy slots available in alert-post-to-chat message
Feb 4, 2011 (20110204a):
  • NEW: Anti-cheat detection added
  • NEW: Auto-update check added
  • fixed issue #85 (Loss of optimization queue after refresh)
  • fixed issue #4 (Queue window not updated when building done)
  • fixed issue #118 (Page refresh problems)
  • fixed issue #123 (Parse error when accepting gifts) Thanks to DeathByNumbers
  • fixed issue #64 (Build max not adding all levels to queue)
  • fixed issue #63 (6th city partially visible on tower tab)
  • Make Map search export work with Nitkahs's latest update to KOC Attack
Jan 31, 2011 (20110131a):
  • Fix for facebook layout change which caused errors on refreshing.
  • Fix for facebook layout change which caused wide-screen option to fail.
  • Fix for DIs being used on level 10 buildings
Jan 28, 2011 (20110128a)
  • Initial official release


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